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Letra de ‘Moonlight Shadow’


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Moonlight Shadow es una canción escrita por el multiinstrumentista británico Mike Oldfield y lanzada como sencillo en mayo de 1983 e incluida en el álbum Crises de ese mismo año.

Fue interpretada por la vocalista escocesa Maggie Reilly. Hasta la fecha, ha sido el tema más exitoso de Mike Oldfield junto a Tubular Bells. Mike Oldfield afirmó que la muerte de John Lennon podría haber influido en la letra de la canción.

Estrofa 1
The last that ever she saw him Carried away by a moonlight shadow He passed on, worried and warning Carried away by a moonlight shadow Lost in a riddle that Saturday night Far away on the other side He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight And she couldn't find how to push through
Estrofa 2
The trees that whisper in the evening Carried away by a moonlight shadow Sing a song of sorrow and grieving Carried away by a moonlight shadow All she saw was a silhouette of a gun Far away on the other side He was shot six times by a man on the run And she couldn't find how to push through
I stay, I pray See you in Heaven, far away I stay, I pray See you in Heaven one day
Estrofa 3
Four A.M. in the morning Carried away by a moonlight shadow I watched your vision forming Carried away by a moonlight shadow Stars roll slowly in a silvery night Far away on the other side Will you come to talk to me this night? But she couldn't find how to push through
I stay, I pray See you in Heaven, far away I stay, I pray See you in Heaven one day
Far away on the other side Caught in the middle of a hundred and five The night was heavy and the air was alive But she couldn't find how to push through Carried away by a moonlight shadow Carried away by a moonlight shadow Far away on the other side